Wir können Ihnen zusichern, dass wir Ihre Bedürfnisse als Broker besonders gut kennen
Wir können Ihnen zusichern, dass wir Ihre Bedürfnisse als Broker besonders gut kennen
As independent Software Supplier we develop Software which can adjusted to the needs of your and your Clients, without presenting yourself as a Broker. Through standard interfaces our products can be integrated quickly into already existing Server structures.
Avoid long lasting Development work and use our Know how.
Our Programmers are also Traders and therefore they know the needs of your Clients very well. We know the requirements of the Clients for the ease of use and implement this Knowledge into intuitive and efficient usable programs.
Tel.: +49 40 / 44 80 98 60
E-Mail: info(at)germantradingsystems.de
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